Welcome to Challenger Bowling 2020!  

Bowling is on Sunday's at 2:00 PM at AMF Bowling Webster

Cost is $45 per person.

January 5 | January 19 | January 26

February 2 | February 16 | February 23

 March 15th - Last day of Bowling
(Pizza Party immediately following at 3:30 pm at Webster Parks and Recreation)

*To register click on the registration link in the top left corner or the drop down button on your mobile device*


Challenger Bowling Registration 2020

Please note the following before registering: 

  • All participants must be at least 5 years of age.
  • Cost is $45 per participant.  This includes 7 weeks of bowling with shoes and a ball and a season ending pizza party at Webster Parks and Recreation
  • This is a regular league through AMF Empire Lanes in Webster, NY 
  • Space is limited – it is first come, first serve – so get your form in ASAP.  Registration CLOSES on 12/22/19
  • Please arrive no later than 1:45 PM – get shoes from downstairs service desk and meet at downstairs bar area until lanes are clear.  Please do not crowd around the lanes until the other league is done!  BOWLING STARTS AT 2:00 PM!
  • Please specify if your child needs a ramp, or because of his/her special need if your child would benefit from using a bumper alley.  We will do our best to accommodate your child.
  • Regarding shoes:Children with small feet may wear rubber-soled shoes or sneakers to bowl.  The soles of the shoes must be dry (wet shoes damage the alleys).
Event Image